Gil Ben-Artzi

Gil Ben-Artzi, Ph.D

Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Ariel University

Previous: Hebrew University (IL), Weizmann Institute of Science (IL), Intel Labs (CA,US)

Research Interests

Computer Vision, Image Processing, Deep Learning, Medical Imaging

My Research Group


Publication 18

Deep BI-RADS Network for Improved Cancer Detection from Mammograms

Gil Ben-Artzi, Feras Daragma and Shahar Mahpod

Accepted, 2024 The International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)

Publication 1

Hypernetwork-Based Adaptive Image Restoration

Shai Aharon and Gil Ben-Artzi

2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Project page (+code)
Publication 2

CTrGAN: Cycle Transformers GAN for Natural Gait Transfer

Shahar Mahpod, Noam Gaash and Gil Ben-Artzi

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023

Project page (+code)
Publication 3

Adaptive Enhancement of Extreme Low-Light Images

Evgeny Hershkovitch Neiterman, Michael Klyuchka and Gil Ben-Artzi

2023 Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision systems (ACIVS)

Project page (+dataset+code)
Publication 4

SMM-Conv: Scalar Matrix Multiplication with Zero Packing for Accelerated Convolution

Amir Ofir and Gil Ben-Artzi

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022

Project page (+code)
Publication 5

Separable Four Points Fundamental Matrix

Gil Ben-Artzi

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021

Project page (+code)
Publication 6

The Role of Redundant Bases and Shrinkage Functions in Image Denoising

Yacov Hel-Or, Gil Ben-Artzi

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021

Publication 7

Camera Calibration by Global Constraints on the Motion of Silhouettes

Gil Ben-Artzi

ICCV 2017

Publication 8

Integrative genomic analysis by interoperation of bioinformatics tools in GenomeSpace

K.Qu, S.Garamszegi, F.Wu, H.Thorvaldsdottir, T. Liefeld, M.Ocana, D.Borges-Rivera, N.Pochet, J.T. Robinson, B.Demchak, T.Hull, G.Ben-Artzi, D.Blankenberg, G.P. Barber, B.T. Lee, R.M. Kuhn, A.Nekrutenko, E.Segal, T.Ideker, M.Reich, A.Regev, H. Y. Chang, J.P. Mesirov

Nature Methods, 2017

Publication 9

Fundamental Matrices from Moving Objects using Lines Motion Barcodes

Yoni Kasten, Gil Ben-Artzi, Michael Werman, Shmuel Peleg

ECCV 2016

Publication 10

Epipolar Geometry Based on Lines Similarity

Gil Ben-Artzi, Tavi Helperin, Michael Werman, Shmuel Peleg

ICPR 2016

Publication 11

Camera Calibration from Dynamic Silhouettes

Gil Ben-Artzi, Yoni Kasten, Michael Werman, Shmuel Peleg

CVPR 2016

Publication 12

Event Retrieval Using Motion Barcodes

Gil Ben-Artzi, Michael Werman, Shmuel Peleg

ICIP 2015

Publication 13

Wisdom of the crowd in in Egocentric Video Curation

Yedid Hoshen*, Gil Ben-Artzi*, Michael Werman, Shmuel Peleg (* Joint First Authors)

CVPR workshop 2014

Publication 14

Two DNA-encoded strategies for increasing expression with opposing effects on promoter dynamics and transcriptional noise

M. Dadiani, D. van Dijk, B. Segal, Y. Field, Gil Ben-Artzi, T. Raveh-Sadka, M. Levo, I. Kaplow, A., E.Segal

Genome Research 2013 (Selected As Journal Cover)

Publication 15

The Gray-Code Filter Kernels

Gil Ben-Artzi, Hagit Hel-Or, Yaacov Hel-Or

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 2007

Publication 16

Filtering with gray-code kernels

Gil Ben-Artzi, Hagit Hel-Or, Yaacov Hel-Or

The International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2004

Paper Presentation